اولویت‌بندی امکانات توسعه گردشگری و توزیع فضایی آن (نمونه موردی: شهرستان‌های استان گلستان)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار دانشگاه گلستان

2 دانشگاه گلستان


امروزه گردشگری یکی از مهم­ترین، پرسودترین و امیدبخش­ترین فعالیت­های انسان معاصر است، به گونه­ای که از آن به عنوان گذرگاه رشد و توسعه یاد می­کنند. در بسیاری از کشورهای دنیا امروزه صنعت گردشگری نیروی اصلی پیشبرد و توسعه اقتصادی به شمار می­رود و به اندازه­ای در رشد اقتصادی- اجتماعی کشورها اهمیت دارد که بسیاری از برنامه­ریزان و اقتصاددانان آن را صادرات نامرئی نامیده­اند. پس باید به ظرفیت فضاهای گردشگری به­ویژه زیرساخت­ها و خدمات مورد نیاز گردشگران توجه ویژه و وافری داشت. سطح­بندی و رتبه­بندی زیرساخت­های گردشگری در نواحی گردشگری و توزیع متعادل زیرساخت­ها، یکی از اقدامات اساسی توسعه گردشگری و معیاری برای تعیین مرکزیت و همچنین تعیین امکانات مورد نیاز و تعدیل نابرابری بین نواحی مختلف یک استان است. هدف پژوهش حاضر، سطح­بندی شهرستان­های استان گلستان بر اساس توزیع فضایی زیرساخت­های گردشگری با بهره­گیری از تکنیک­های تصمیم­گیری VIKOR ، SAW وTOPSIS  است. جهت تعیین اهمیت هر یک از شاخص­ها از روش آنتروپی شانون و برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده­ها از صفحه گسترده Excel استفاده گردید. همچنین برای رسیدن به یک اجماع کلی و دقیقتر در نتایج از تکنیک ادغام کپ­لند بهره گرفته شده است. روش پژوهش توصیفی- تحلیلی و رویکرد حاکم بر فضای تحقیق، کاربردی است. نتایج حاصل از تکنیک کپلند نشان می­دهد که شهرستان­های گرگان با ضریب امتیاز (13) و گنبد کاووس با ضریب امتیاز (11) با کسب رتبه اول از نظر برخورداری از شاخص­های گردشگری از وضعیت مطلوبی برخوردارند و شهرستان­های گمیشان با ضریب امتیاز (11-) و مراوه­تپه با ضریب امتیاز (13-) در وضعیت محروم و 10 شهرستان­ دیگر استان در وضعیت نیمه­برخوردار قرار دارند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Prioritization of tourism development facilities and its spatial distribution Case study: Golestan Province

چکیده [English]

Today, tourism is one of the most important, prosperous and promising activities of human beings, so that; It is referred to as the growth and development passage. Today, in many countries, the tourism industry is the main driving force behind economic development and it is important in the socio-economic development of countries. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the capacity of tourism spaces, especially the infrastructure and services needed for tourists. Leveling and ranking of tourism infrastructure in the tourist areas and the balanced distribution of infrastructure, are among the basic criteria of tourism development and a standard for determining the centrality as well as determining the required facilities and modifying the inequality between different areas of a province. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of Golestan province's cities based on the spatial distribution of tourism infrastructure by using VIKOR, SAW and TOPSIS decision-making techniques. To determine the importance of each indicators, Shannon entropy method was used and to analyze the data and Excel spreadsheet were used. Also, Copland integration technique was used to reach a more consensual and consistent result. The research methodology was descriptive-analytic and the research approach was applicable. The results of the Copland technique show that Gorgan city with a coefficient of (13) and Gonbade Kavoos with a coefficient of (11) have the first rank in terms of tourism indicators, and they have favorable situation.  Gomishan city with a score of 11 and Maraveh Tappeh with a score of 13 are in poor condition and 10 other provinces of the province are in a semi-privileged position, respectively

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • VIKOR model
  • tourism infrastructure
  • Ranking
  • Golestan Province
  1. Bar-Ela. Raphael, Schwartzb. Dafna, (2006), Review Regionaldevelopment as a policy for growthwith equity: The State of Ceara (Brazil)as a model, 13pp:140-155.
  2. Bhatia, V.K. & S.C. Rai, 2004, Evaluation of Socio-economic Development in Small Areas, New Delhi University, New Delhi.
  3. Boers, Bas, Cottrell, Stuart (2007). Sustainable Tourism Infrastructure Planning: A GIS Supported Approach, Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment, Volume 9, Issue, pp 1-21.
  4. Edward, David and pool, John (1988), workedExercise in hums Geography. Third pub.Cambridge University Press.
  5. Fani Z. (2015), "other small towns in regional development approach", published by the municipalities. (in Persion)
  6. Farrokhzad, Mohammed, Ebrahim Moammari (2015). "Golestan province-level city in terms of tourism infrastructure," National Conference on the position of tourism in spatial planning and regional development with an emphasis on Golestan province. (in Persion)
  7. Friedman, J. (1966), Regional DevelopmentPolicy: A case study of Venezuela. M. I. T.Press.
  8. Ghaffari, SR, M Turkish Harchegani, (2009), "The role of tourism in social development - rural economy Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, a case study of the organization", Journal of Rural Development, Q 12, No. 2, Ss113-126. (in Persion)
  9. Ghanbari, A., brave citizen, B., B. Zeinali (2014), "Ranking city of East Azarbaijan province on urban tourism infrastructure with multi-criteria decision-making methods", geography and urban-regional planning, No. 12, fall 1393. (in Persion)
  10. Ghanbari, A.SHOJAEI Vand, B., B. Zeinali (2014), "Ranking city of East Azarbaijan province on urban tourism infrastructure with multi-criteria decision-making methods", geography and urban-regional planning, No. 12, fall 1393. (in Persion)
  11. Hadder, R.(2000). Development Geography. London & NewYork: Routledge.
  12. Hekmatnia, Hassan, MN Mousavi (2016), "The Use of Models in Geography with an emphasis on urban and regional planning," modern science. (in Persion)
  13. Inskeep, Edward. (1991), "Tourism planning:anintegrated and sustainable developmentapproach", Van Nostand Reinhold. NewYork.
  14. Kabassi, K. (2010), Personalizes recommendations for tourists, Journal of Telematics andInformatics, Vol. 27, pp. 5166.
  15. Lesher, M. and S. Miroudot (2006), Analysis of the Economic Impactof InvestmentProvisions in Regional Trade Agreements, OECDTrade Policy Working Paper, No. 6.
  16. Maleki, Saeed, Elias Mavedat (2015), "An Analysis of the distribution and prioritization of tourism infrastructure Yazd province by using the techniques of planning ', applied research Geographic Sciences, Issue 34, Ss68-47. (in Persion)
  17. Massidda, C. and Etzo, I. (2012), the determinants of Italian domestic tourism: A panel data  analysis, Tourism Management, 33(3): 603-610.
  18. Mohammadi, J.; Abdoli, Asghar, Mohammad Fathi Beyranvand (2012), "The level of development of city of Lorestan province in various segments of the housing and utilities, infrastructure, agriculture and industry," Research use of Geographic Sciences Issue 25. (in Persion)
  19. Momeni, M. and E. Sabir (2012): "determine the development of the city of Nain in the province", Journal of Geography and Environmental Planning, twenty-third year, No. 1, Isfahan, Ss200-185. (in Persion)
  20. Movahed, Ali (2002), "spatial analysis of urban tourism pattern, sample the city", Supervisor doctor Hussein Shakuie, Tarbiat Modarres University. (in Persion)
  21. Nastaran, MahinAbolhassanFarahnaz, N Bakhtiari (2015(: "the spatial distribution of development in the Iranian city rankings using synthetic", Journal of Regional Planning, Issue 17, Spring, 14-1. (in Persion)
  22. Nunkoo, R. (2015). Tourism development and trust in local government, TourismManagement, 46: 623–634.
  23. Pour Ahmed, Ahmed, Shahbaz Pur, Ahmed, Mohammed Ali Bay (2015), "utilizes a multi-criteria decision-making models to assess the tourism potential case study of Semnan Province", Journal of Arid Zones geography, Issue 21, The fall of 1394.(in Persion)
  24. Rezaei, Mohammad Reza, Mokhtari sadegh Leila Keshtkar (2015), "offering a combination to prioritize the development of tourism infrastructure Case Study: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province city», geographical studies arid areas, Issue 22, winter 1394. (in Persion)
  25. Shahiki Tash, MN, Yghfvry, H., B. dervish (2015): "The intensity of spatial and regional imbalances in the province's well-being (welfare-based study comparing the views of Harvey and Smith)", Journal of Regional Planning, year Issue 17, spring, 30-15. (in Persion)
  26. Shamaei, Ali, Jafar mosavand (2011), "the city of Isfahan in terms of tourism infrastructure by using TOPSIS and AHP» Urban and Regional Studies and Research, Issue tenth, pp. 40-23 . (in Persion)
  27. Statistical Center of Iran (2013) "Population and Housing Census," Statistical Yearbook of Golestan province. (in Persion)
  28. Tagvaie, M., M. saborei (2012), "Comparative analysis and the development of social level city in the Hormozgan", Journal of Geography and Environmental Planning, twenty-third year, No. 2, Isfahan, Ss68-53. (in Persion)
  29. Tavakoli Nia, J, Kanone, R., Khavarian garmsire, AR, Vahid pasban esaLo (2015): "Analysis of regional development disparities in the health sector Ardebil", Journal of Regional Planning, Issue 18, summer, pp. 14-1. (in Persion)
  30. United Nations,(2006), social justice in an open world. The Role of the united nations.
  31. UNWTO,(2012), tourism highlights 2012 edition. Available in www.Unwto.com.
  32. Uysal, Ülke Evrim (2013). Urban Tourism Promotion: What Makes the Difference? Journalof Social Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 17-27.
  33. Weaver, David and opperman, (2000): Tourism management, wiley.
    1. Bar-Ela. Raphael, Schwartzb. Dafna, (2006), Review Regionaldevelopment as a policy for growthwith equity: The State of Ceara (Brazil)as a model, 13pp:140-155.
    2. Bhatia, V.K. & S.C. Rai, 2004, Evaluation of Socio-economic Development in Small Areas, New Delhi University, New Delhi.
    3. Boers, Bas, Cottrell, Stuart (2007). Sustainable Tourism Infrastructure Planning: A GIS Supported Approach, Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment, Volume 9, Issue, pp 1-21.
    4. Edward, David and pool, John (1988), workedExercise in hums Geography. Third pub.Cambridge University Press.
    5. Fani Z. (2015), "other small towns in regional development approach", published by the municipalities. (in Persion)
    6. Farrokhzad, Mohammed, Ebrahim Moammari (2015). "Golestan province-level city in terms of tourism infrastructure," National Conference on the position of tourism in spatial planning and regional development with an emphasis on Golestan province. (in Persion)
    7. Friedman, J. (1966), Regional DevelopmentPolicy: A case study of Venezuela. M. I. T.Press.
    8. Ghaffari, SR, M Turkish Harchegani, (2009), "The role of tourism in social development - rural economy Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, a case study of the organization", Journal of Rural Development, Q 12, No. 2, Ss113-126. (in Persion)
    9. Ghanbari, A., brave citizen, B., B. Zeinali (2014), "Ranking city of East Azarbaijan province on urban tourism infrastructure with multi-criteria decision-making methods", geography and urban-regional planning, No. 12, fall 1393. (in Persion)
    10. Ghanbari, A.SHOJAEI Vand, B., B. Zeinali (2014), "Ranking city of East Azarbaijan province on urban tourism infrastructure with multi-criteria decision-making methods", geography and urban-regional planning, No. 12, fall 1393. (in Persion)
    11. Hadder, R.(2000). Development Geography. London & NewYork: Routledge.
    12. Hekmatnia, Hassan, MN Mousavi (2016), "The Use of Models in Geography with an emphasis on urban and regional planning," modern science. (in Persion)
    13. Inskeep, Edward. (1991), "Tourism planning:anintegrated and sustainable developmentapproach", Van Nostand Reinhold. NewYork.
    14. Kabassi, K. (2010), Personalizes recommendations for tourists, Journal of Telematics andInformatics, Vol. 27, pp. 5166.
    15. Lesher, M. and S. Miroudot (2006), Analysis of the Economic Impactof InvestmentProvisions in Regional Trade Agreements, OECDTrade Policy Working Paper, No. 6.
    16. Maleki, Saeed, Elias Mavedat (2015), "An Analysis of the distribution and prioritization of tourism infrastructure Yazd province by using the techniques of planning ', applied research Geographic Sciences, Issue 34, Ss68-47. (in Persion)
    17. Massidda, C. and Etzo, I. (2012), the determinants of Italian domestic tourism: A panel data  analysis, Tourism Management, 33(3): 603-610.
    18. Mohammadi, J.; Abdoli, Asghar, Mohammad Fathi Beyranvand (2012), "The level of development of city of Lorestan province in various segments of the housing and utilities, infrastructure, agriculture and industry," Research use of Geographic Sciences Issue 25. (in Persion)
    19. Momeni, M. and E. Sabir (2012): "determine the development of the city of Nain in the province", Journal of Geography and Environmental Planning, twenty-third year, No. 1, Isfahan, Ss200-185. (in Persion)
    20. Movahed, Ali (2002), "spatial analysis of urban tourism pattern, sample the city", Supervisor doctor Hussein Shakuie, Tarbiat Modarres University. (in Persion)
    21. Nastaran, MahinAbolhassanFarahnaz, N Bakhtiari (2015(: "the spatial distribution of development in the Iranian city rankings using synthetic", Journal of Regional Planning, Issue 17, Spring, 14-1. (in Persion)
    22. Nunkoo, R. (2015). Tourism development and trust in local government, TourismManagement, 46: 623–634.
    23. Pour Ahmed, Ahmed, Shahbaz Pur, Ahmed, Mohammed Ali Bay (2015), "utilizes a multi-criteria decision-making models to assess the tourism potential case study of Semnan Province", Journal of Arid Zones geography, Issue 21, The fall of 1394.(in Persion)
    24. Rezaei, Mohammad Reza, Mokhtari sadegh Leila Keshtkar (2015), "offering a combination to prioritize the development of tourism infrastructure Case Study: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province city», geographical studies arid areas, Issue 22, winter 1394. (in Persion)
    25. Shahiki Tash, MN, Yghfvry, H., B. dervish (2015): "The intensity of spatial and regional imbalances in the province's well-being (welfare-based study comparing the views of Harvey and Smith)", Journal of Regional Planning, year Issue 17, spring, 30-15. (in Persion)
    26. Shamaei, Ali, Jafar mosavand (2011), "the city of Isfahan in terms of tourism infrastructure by using TOPSIS and AHP» Urban and Regional Studies and Research, Issue tenth, pp. 40-23 . (in Persion)
    27. Statistical Center of Iran (2013) "Population and Housing Census," Statistical Yearbook of Golestan province. (in Persion)
    28. Tagvaie, M., M. saborei (2012), "Comparative analysis and the development of social level city in the Hormozgan", Journal of Geography and Environmental Planning, twenty-third year, No. 2, Isfahan, Ss68-53. (in Persion)
    29. Tavakoli Nia, J, Kanone, R., Khavarian garmsire, AR, Vahid pasban esaLo (2015): "Analysis of regional development disparities in the health sector Ardebil", Journal of Regional Planning, Issue 18, summer, pp. 14-1. (in Persion)
    30. United Nations,(2006), social justice in an open world. The Role of the united nations.
    31. UNWTO,(2012), tourism highlights 2012 edition. Available in www.Unwto.com.
    32. Uysal, Ülke Evrim (2013). Urban Tourism Promotion: What Makes the Difference? Journalof Social Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 17-27.
    33. Weaver, David and opperman, (2000): Tourism management, wiley.