بررسی شاخصه‌های هویتی، کالبدی، اجتماعی و ادراکی فلکه‌های شهری (نمونه‌های موردی: هشت میدان اصلی کلانشهر شیراز)


1 استادیار دانشکده هنر و معماری، دانشگاه پیام نور، شیراز، ایران

2 کارشناسی ارشد معماری، دانشگاه پیام نور، شیراز، ایران


        فضاهای شهری به عنوان فضایی برای تکامل و تعاملات انسان از ابتدای تاریخ اسلام دارای اهمیت بوده است. میادین شهری یکی از فضاهای عمومی در شهر هستند که نقش تأثیرگذاری در هویت بخشی به فضاهای شهری، ادراک شهروندان از محیط، تعلق مکانی ساکنین و خاطره انگیزی شهروندان از شهر را بر عهده دارد. این پژوهش به بررسی شاخصه­های هویتی، کالبدی، اجتماعی و ادراکی در هشت فلکه منتخب کلان­شیراز، شامل فلکه­های آزادی، معلم، شهدا، قائم، ارم، ولی عصر، ستاد و نمازی با کمک روش کاربردی توصیفی پیمایشی پرداخته است. انتخاب نمونه با کمک نمونه­گیری دارای معیار بوده است که شامل اهمیت تاریخی، موقعیت قرارگیری در شهر، وسعت آنها، وضعیت تخریبی و یا سلامت است. بر اساس مبانی نظری پژوهش پنج دسته مؤلفه شامل هویتی، زیباشناختی، کیفیت تاریخی، اجتماعی وکالبدی با بیست زیرمؤلفه ارزیابی شده­اند. جامعه آماری پژوهش 280 نفر از مردم با نمونه­گیری تصادفی ساده بوده­اند، پرسشنامه محقق ساخته با کمک نظر متخصصین بکار گرفته شد و جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده­ها در سطح آمار توصیفی از میانگین و انحراف معیار و در سطح آمار استنباطی از آزمون t تک نمونه­ای استفاده شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که در بعد هویت مکانی، زیبایی فلکه­های آزادی و ارم با میانگین­های به ترتیب 92/3 و 26/4،  بالاتر از حد مطلوب و P مثبت را به خود اختصاص داده، فلکه نمازی در حد مطلوب با میانگین 13/3 در سطح  Pکمتر از 05/0 و فلکه­­های شهدا، اطلسی، ستاد، ولی عصر و معلم با میانگین­های 56/2، 30/2، 56/2، 86/1 پایین تر از حد مطلوب 1 با P منفی می­باشد. در بین کل مؤلفه­های اصلی در این پژوهش فلکه ارم از مطلوبیت بالا و  P مثبت، میانگین بالاتر از میانگین فردی را داراست و فلکه ولی عصر با P منفی با امتیاز بین 1 و 2 و میانگین پایین­تر از میانگین فردی از پایین­ترین مطلوبیت برخوردار است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Investigation of Identity, Physical, Social and Perceptual Indicators of City Squares with an Aesthetics Approach (Case studies: Eight Main Square of Shiraz Metropolitan)

چکیده [English]

Urban spaces as a space for human interactions and evolution has been important from the beginning of the history of Islam. Urban squares are one of the public spaces in the city that have especial influence in the identity of urban space, the perception of the spatial environment of citizens, residents and an awarded memory to the citizens of a city. By using an applied-descriptive survey method, this study investigates the identity, physical, social and cognitive features of eight selected square in Shiraz, including Liberty, Teacher, Martyrs, Ghaem, Eram, Vali Asr, Setad and Namazi Squares. The sample was selected using the sampling criteria which include historical significance, location in the city, their extent, , damage or health status. Based on Theoretical Principles of study, five component categories including identity, aesthetic physical, social, and historical quality with twenty sub-components have been evaluated. The study sample was 280 people by use of simple random sampling. The made questionnaire with the help of specialists was used as research tool. The mean and standard deviation at descriptive statistical levels and one-sample t-test at inferential statistics level were used to analyze the data. The results showed that regarding local identity aspect, Liberty square and Eram with 92/3 and 26/4 averages, respectively, were higher than optimal value and positive P value is assigned to them. Namazi Square was optimal with an average of 3.13 at the P level of less than 0.05, and the Martyrs, Atlasi, Setad, Vali Asr and Teacher square with an average of 2.56, 2.30, 2.56, 1.86 lower than the optimal value 1 with a negative P value. Among all the main components in this project, Eram square has high optimal value and a positive P value, its mean higher than the individual average, and Vali Asr Square with a score between 1 and 2 with a negative P value and its average lower than the individual average has the lowest optimal value.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • urban planning
  • Urban squares
  • Perceptual - aesthetics approach
  • Identical and Physical approach
  • Shiraz

Investigation of Identity, Physical, Social and Perceptual Indicators of City Squares with an Aesthetics Approach(Case studies: Eight Main Square of Shiraz Metropolitan)


Z. Barzegar[1]

Assistant Proff. Of  Art and Architecture,University Payam Noor, Shiraz, Iran

Z. Fathinejad

M.s degree in Art and Architecture chitect, University Payam Noor, Shiraz, Iran

Sh. Noozari

M.s degree in Art and Architecture,University Payam Noor, Shiraz, Iran



  Urban spaces as a space for human interactions and evolution has been important from the beginning of the history of Islam. Urban squares are one of the public spaces in the city that have especial influence in the identity of urban space, the perception of the spatial environment of citizens, residents and an awarded memory to the citizens of a city. By using an applied-descriptive survey method, this study investigates the identity, physical, social and cognitive features of eight selected square in Shiraz, including Liberty, Teacher, Martyrs, Ghaem, Eram, Vali Asr, Setad and Namazi Squares. The sample was selected using the sampling criteria which include historical significance, location in the city, their extent, , damage or health status. Based on Theoretical Principles of study, five component categories including identity, aesthetic physical, social, and historical quality with twenty sub-components have been evaluated. The study sample was 280 people by use of simple random sampling. The made questionnaire with the help of specialists was used as research tool. The mean and standard deviation at descriptive statistical levels and one-sample t-test at inferential statistics level were used to analyze the data. The results showed that regarding local identity aspect, Liberty square and Eram with 92/3 and 26/4 averages, respectively, were higher than optimal value and positive P value is assigned to them. Namazi Square was optimal with an average of 3.13 at the P level of less than 0.05, and the Martyrs, Atlasi, Setad, Vali Asr and Teacher square with an average of 2.56, 2.30, 2.56, 1.86 lower than the optimal value 1 with a negative P value. Among all the main components in this project, Eram square has high optimal value and a positive P value, its mean higher than the individual average, and Vali Asr Square with a score between 1 and 2 with a negative P value and its average lower than the individual average has the lowest optimal value.


Keywords: Urban planning, Urban squares, Perceptual - aesthetics approach, Identical and Physical approach, Shiraz.


[1]. Corresponding author: zahrabarzegar86@yahoo.com, Tel: +989177189378

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