برآورد ارزش‌گذاری اقتصادی- تفرجگاهی آبشار و محوطه تفریحی خفر و تعیین عوامل مؤثر بر تمایل به پرداخت با استفاده از روش ارزشگذاری مشروط (CVM)


دانشیار اقتصاد کشاورزی، واحد مرودشت، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، مرودشت، ایران


        برنامه­ریزی تفریحی، همچنین اجرای طرح­های مختلف زیست محیطی و ایجاد تفرجگاه­های متنوع و مراکز تفریحی گوناگون برای مردم یکی از مسائل مهم در مدیریت در سطح کلان و منطقه­ای در هر کشور است. آبشار و محوطه تفریحی خفر به عنوان یکی از جاذبه­های اکوتوریستی و ژئوتوریستی استان فارس، از مناطق مهم گردشگری می­باشد. لذا مطالعه ارزش اکوتوریستی آن می­تواند در پیش بینی­نیازها و رفع کمبودها و توسعه گردشگری در منطقه مؤثر باشد. هدف این پژوهش برآورد ارزش اکوتوریستی آبشار و محوطه تفریحی با استفاده از روش ارزشگذاری مشروط است. برای بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر میزان تمایل به پرداخت افراد، الگوی لوجیت به روش حداکثر راستنمایی برآورد گردید. داده­های مورد نیاز از طریق تکمیل پرسشنامه و مصاحبه حضوری با 226 بازدیدکننده از منطقه مذکور جمع­آوری گردید. نتایج نشان داد که ٧۵ درصد بازدیدکنندگان، حاضر به پرداخت مبلغی جهت استفاده از آبشار مذکور می­باشند. همچنین متغیرهای سن، اندازه خانوار، میزان تحصیلات، تمایلات زیست محیطی، درآمد و قیمت پپیشنهادی اثر معنی­داری روی احتمال تمایل به پرداخت افراد دارند، ولی متغیرهای جنسیت و فاصله از لحاظ آماری معنی­دار نبوده ولی علائم مورد انتظار را دارا بوده­اند. میانگین تمایل به پرداخت افراد 6758.8 ریال و ارزش اکوتوریستی آبشار و محوطه تفریحی خفرسالانه حدود 540704000 ریال برآورد گردید.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Estimation of Economic-resort Valuation of Khafr Waterfall and Recreational area by Determining Effective Factors on Willingness to pay by Using CVM

چکیده [English]

     Recreational programs, implementation of various environmental projects and also to create a diverse variety of recreational centers for people is one of the most important issues at the macro-level and regional management in each country. The waterfall and recreational grounds of Khfar district is one of important eco-tourist and geo-tourist attractions of Fars province. Therefore, this study is valuable to anticipate the needs and deficiencies of this region that leads to its tourism development. The purpose of this study refers to estimate the eco-tourist value of this waterfall and recreational grounds by using valued conditional method. For investigating the factors affected the amount tends of individuals for paying any money, the maximally estimated logit model was used. The required data were collected via the completion of the questionnaire and face-to-face interviews with 226 visitors from the mentioned area.The results showed that 75 percent of visitors are willing to pay any money for visiting the waterfall. Also, variables such as age, household size, education level, environmental interests, and income have significant effect on the probability of willingness of visitors to pay money. But, sex and distance variables did not have any significant meaning. . Average willingness to pay is  6758.8 Rials and eco-tourism value of waterfall and recreational ground of Khafr were estimated 540704000 Rials annually.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Ecotourism value
  • Conditional value
  • Logit Model
  • Willingness
  • Khafr

Estimation of Economic-resort Valuation of Khafr Waterfall and Recreational area by Determining Effective Factors on Willingness to pay by Using CVM


S.N. Mousavi[1]

Associate professor ofAgricultural Economic, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mardasht, Iran



     Recreational programs, implementation of various environmental projects and also to create a diverse variety of recreational centers for people is one of the most important issues at the macro-level and regional management in each country. The waterfall and recreational grounds of Khfar district is one of important eco-tourist and geo-tourist attractions of Fars province. Therefore, this study is valuable to anticipate the needs and deficiencies of this region that leads to its tourism development. The purpose of this study refers to estimate the eco-tourist value of this waterfall and recreational grounds by using valued conditional method. For investigating the factors affected the amount tends of individuals for paying any money, the maximally estimated logit model was used. The required data were collected via the completion of the questionnaire and face-to-face interviews with 226 visitors from the mentioned area.The results showed that 75 percent of visitors are willing to pay any money for visiting the waterfall. Also, variables such as age, household size, education level, environmental interests, and income have significant effect on the probability of willingness of visitors to pay money. But, sex and distance variables did not have any significant meaning. . Average willingness to pay is  6758.8 Rials and eco-tourism value of waterfall and recreational ground of Khafr were estimated 540704000 Rials annually.


Keywords:Ecotourism value, Conditional value, Logit model, Willingness, Khafr.

[1] . Corresponding author: mousavi_sn@yahoo.com, Tel: +989171129500

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