آمایش استقرارگاه های نظامی در کلان شهر تهران با رویکرد امنیتی-دفاعی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشیار گروه علوم‌سیاسی، دانشگاه یاسوج، یاسوج، ایران.

2 دانش اموخته کارشناسی ارشد شهرسازی


در جهان کنونی تنوع، تعداد و نوع بحران­ها درحال افزایش است. پدافند غیرعامل می­تواند هزینه­های مادی و غیرمادی این تهدیدات را کاهش­دهد. به همین خاطر در استراتژی­های نظامی کشورها بخشی برای پدافند غیرعامل درنظر گرفته شده است. مکان و موقعیت قرارگیری استقرارگاه­های نظامی یکی از موارد برجسته پدافند غیرعامل است. با توجه به اینکه در شهر تهران 83 پادگان نظامی قرار­دارد و از این تعداد بیش از نیمی از آن یعنی 49 پادگان در محدوده شهر تهران واقع شده است؛ این سوال مطرح است که به چه­میزان این استقرارگاه­های نظامی به لحاظ آمایش سرزمینی منطبق با معیارها و اصول پدافند غیرعامل است؟ کدام منطقه تهران بهترین موقعیت برای استقرارگاه­های نظامی در آینده را دارد؟ برای این منظور از روش منطق فازی و نرم افزار GIS برای تحلیل داده­ها استفاده­ گردید. معیارها و شاخص­های مکان­یابی شامل پنج گروه فضایی- کالبدی، جمعیتی، جغرافیایی(اقلیمی، ژئومورفولوژی، هیدورولوژیکی، دسترسی به مکان های انسان ساخت و زیرساختی)، اقتصادی و امنیتی بود. یافته­های پژوهش نشان­داد در آمایش استقرارگاه­های نظامی تهران به بحث پدافندغیرعامل توجه لازم نشده­است. به لحاظ جنس خاک، شیب زمین، فاصله از رودخانه، گسل، خطوط انتقال برق و نزدیکی به مراکز حساس این مناطق دارای آسیب­پذیری هستند. با توجه به نتایج بدست­آمده از مدل منطق فازی بر اساس گامای 9% شهرستان­های رباط­کریم(34/25%)، ورامین(64/13%) و شهریار(24/8%) به ترتیب بهترین و شهرستان شمیرانات(73%) کمترین شرایط مناسب را برای ایجاد مراکز نظامی با رویکرد امنیتی و دفاعی دارند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Territorial Planning of Military Barracks in the Metropolis of Tehran with a Defense-Security Approach

نویسندگان [English]

  • َAli Bagheri Dolatabadi 1
  • Amir Dorj 2
1 Associate Professor of International Relations, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran
2 postgraduate in Urban development studies
چکیده [English]

Todays, diversity, number and type of crises are increasing. Passive defense can reduce the material and non-material costs of these threats. That is why in the security doctrine of states defensive-security considerations are among the most important factors affecting the appropriate selection of military sites. The location of military barracks is one of the highlights issues in passive defense. Considering that there are 83 military barracks in the metropolis of Tehran and more than half of them, 49 barracks, are located in Tehran; The question is,  to what extent do these military bases comply with the standards and principles of passive defense? Which area of Tehran has the optimal and appropriate place for military bases in the future? For this purpose, the fuzzy function and GIS software have been used for data analysis. Criteria and indicators of site selection include five groups: spatial-physical, demographic, geographical (climatic parameters, the geomorphologic and geologic parameters, the parameters of accessibility of man-made centers, infrastructure parameters and hydrological specifications), economic and military. Findings revealed in the territorial planning of Tehran military bases, passive defense has not been the focus of attention. In terms of soil type, land slope, distance from the river, faults, power transmission lines, and proximity to sensitive centers, these areas are vulnerable. According to the results obtained from the fuzzy function based on the gamma 9% Robat Karim (%25.34), Waramin (%13.64), and Shahriyar Counties (%8.24) had the optimal and appropriate locations for the construction of new military bases. Furthermore, Shemiranat County had the least suitable conditions (%73) for the construction of a military barracks based on a passive defense approach.
Extended Abstract
Victory in war depends as much on the defense of barracks and logistics as it does on offense and aggression. That is why in the security doctrine of states defensive-security considerations are among the most important factors affecting the appropriate selection of military sites. Paying attention to the principles of passive defense makes it possible for military bases to provide services not only in a state of peace, but also in critical situations. In Iran, despite the bitter experience of the eight-year war with Iraq and the extensive damage to the country's vital infrastructure, until 2003, not enough attention was paid to the issue of passive defense. It was from this time on that this attitude was gradually reformed. Today, the need for passive defense for military bases - because of their role in providing security - is greater than elsewhere. Considering that there are 83 military barracks in the metropolis of Tehran and more than half of them, 49 barracks, are located in Tehran; The question is,  to what extent do these military bases comply with the standards and principles of passive defense? Which area of Tehran has the optimal and appropriate place for military bases in the future? The importance of this question lies in the fact that one of the goals of states in times of war is to strike over political, economic, demographic, and logistics centers. As the capital of Iran, Tehran is one of the most important targets in any foreign military threat. Therefore, in line with the main question of the current research, it is very important to pay attention to the issue of locating barracks and its passive defense in Tehran. In addition to increasing the efficiency and performance of military bases, applying appropriate methods in the site selection, can prevent wrong decisions and the loss of troops and the economic strength to respond appropriately to the attack. Several factors are include in military site selection studies. Some of the main factors are climatic conditions, topographic conditions, communication routes, water, land slope, security issues, and political considerations. The present study examine the site selection of military bases in Tehran and try to introduce the best places to build new military barracks.
This research has been conducted with the aim of locating and organizing an optimal distribution of military bases. Criteria and indicators of site selection include five groups: spatial-physical, demographic, geographical (climatic parameters, the geomorphologic and geologic parameters, the parameters of accessibility of man-made centers, infrastructure parameters, and hydrological specifications), economic and military. In the first step, the effective measures in locating the military bases were evaluated by experts on the basis of their importance. Then, by fuzzing and integrating the layers in the GIS, the aforementioned area was classified for the construction of new barracks. Finally, the appropriate military site of military units were selected on the map in the ARC GIS environment through utilizing the overlapping method of effective layers of site selection.
Results and Discussion
The results revealed that according to the indicators identified in scientific research (Nouri, 2019) in the spatial planning of military bases in Tehran, the passive defense has not been considered enough. In terms of soil type, land slope, distance from the river, faults, power transmission lines, and proximity to sensitive centers, these areas are vulnerable and necessary measures should be taken to relocate them.
According to the results obtained from the fuzzy function based on the gamma 9% Robat Karim (%25.34), Waramin (%13.64), and Shahriyar County (%8.24) had the optimal and appropriate locations for the construction of new military bases. Furthermore, Shemiranat Counties had the least suitable conditions (%73) for the construction of a military barracks based on a passive defense approach. Our findings confirmed the results of other research about Ardabil (Jafarzadeh & Valizadeh Kamran, 2018), Torbat-e Jam (Saeedi et al, 2013), Marivan (Weysi et al, 20181397) and Nehbandan (Bahramabadi & Ebadinejad, 2016), Hamedan (Jamour & Malekhoseini, 2015). All of mentioned papers has emphasized the lack of attention to the principles of passive defense in the territorial planning of military bases in Iran.
The presence of military bases and barracks within the urban fabric, along with the horizontal expansion of the cities, have brought about many problems in the missions of the garrison and reduced its effectiveness, which in itself poses a serious threat to the proper functioning of the missions considered. It seems that the expansion of cities and civil conditions in the near future will require the relocation of many military bases in Tehran. In selecting an appropriate and optimal place to build military centers, security, and defense considerations are vital. Using the principles of passive defense in the construction of these military sites will increase the efficiency of these units and strengthen their security for dealing with military threats and crises. A review of research on the territorial planning of military bases in Iran confirmed three issues: First, the number of such studies is very small and does not include all major cities. Second, passive defense in the territorial planning of military bases in Iran has been neglected. Third, the metropolis of Tehran has not been the focus of attention in these studies. The results of the current paper confirmed that the western and southwestern regions of Tehran have suitable conditions for construction of military centers with a security approach and passive defense and the necessary steps should be taken as soon as possible to transfer military bases. The recurrence of military threats against Iran by Israel and the United States in recent years and insecurity in the Middle East doubles this need. The authors suggested that the construction of military bases in the designated areas should be done with utmost care so that, firstly, the urban development in the region is not disrupted by the establishment of these bases. Secondly, the citizens do not lose their sense of calm and security. In order to create a sense of peace and security among the people of the region, it was recommended to build government-leased houses for military personnel in the above-mentioned urban area.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Military Bases
  • Passive Defense
  • Territorial Planning
  • Tehran
  • Site Selection
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