بررسی الزامات برنامه ریزی اقتصادی مؤثر بر بکارگیری بیمه تعاونیهای روستایی در منطقه سیستان

نوع مقاله : مقاله های برگرفته از پایان نامه


1 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد اقتصاد کشاورزی، دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان

2 دانشیار گروه اقتصاد کشاورزی، دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان

3 دانشیار اقتصاد کشاورزی، دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان زاهدان، ایران


روستایان و کشاورزان در اکثر کشورهای جهان سوم نمی تواند به تنهایی فرصت های اشتغال و منابع درآمدی کافی برای رفع تمامی نیاز های معیشتی خود را تامین نمایند. روستاییان افراد کم درآمد و ضعیف جامعه هستند که باید مورد حمایت قرار بگیرند. بیمه تعاونی روستایی به عنوان ابزاری برای بهبود کیفیت زندگی مردم روستا، افزایش کار، تولید و وضعیت اجتماعی، کاهش ریسک و تقویت سرمایه گذاری و ارتقا سطح درآمد سرپرست خانوار مطرح است. در این تحقیق سعی شد که به بررسی الزامات اقتصادی موثر بر به کارگیری بیمه تعاونی روستایی در منطقه سیستان پرداخته شود. ابزار گردآوری داده ها پرسشنامه بوده که توسط 25 کارشناس و اساتید خبره و آگاه به این مسائل جمع آوری شده است. همچنین با استفاده از روش تصمیم گیری فازی و نرم افزار FUZZYSAW به این نتایج دست یافتیم که کاهش جرایم با مقدار 1.328 به عنوان مهم ترین الزام موثر در بیمه تعاونی روستایی بدست امده است و داشتن شغل دوم با مقدار 0.693 به عنوان کمترین الزام موثر بر بیمه تعاونی روستایی در منطقه سیستان بدست آمده است. مهم ترین پیشنهاد پژوهش افزایش آگاهی و نهادینه کردن فرهنگ بیمه برای این اقشار آسیب پذیر جامعه است که بتوان اطمینان و امنیت لازم جهت سرمایه گذاری در بیمه تعاونی روستایی را ایجاد کرد. ابزار گردآوری داده ها پرسشنامه بوده که توسط 25 کارشناس و اساتید خبره و آگاه به این مسائل جمع آوری شده است. همچنین با استفاده از روش تصمیم گیری فازی و نرم افزار FUZZYSAW به این نتایج دست یافتیم که کاهش جرایم با مقدار 1.328 به عنوان مهم ترین الزام موثر در بیمه تعاونی روستایی بدست امده است و داشتن شغل دوم با مقدار 0.693 به عنوان کمترین الزام موثر بر بیمه تعاونی روستایی در منطقه سیستان بدست آمده است. مهم ترین پیشنهاد پژوهش افزایش آگاهی و نهادینه کردن فرهنگ بیمه برای این اقشار آسیب پذیر جامعه است که بتوان اطمینان و امنیت لازم جهت سرمایه گذاری در بیمه تعاونی روستایی را ایجاد کرد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Investigating the requirements of effective economic planning on the use of insurance of rural cooperatives in Sistan region *

نویسندگان [English]

  • Motahareh Bagheri 1
  • Mahdi Safdari 2
  • Ali Sardar Shahraki 3
1 Master student of Agricultural Economics, Sistan and Baluchestan University
2 Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Sistan and Baluchestan University
3 Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran
چکیده [English]

Villagers and farmers in most Third World countries alone cannot provide sufficient employment opportunities and sources of income to meet all their livelihood needs. The villagers are the low-income and poor people of the society who should be supported. Rural cooperative insurance is a tool to improve the quality of life of rural people, increase work, production and social status, reduce risk and strengthen investment and improve the income level of the head of the household. In this study, an attempt was made to investigate the economic requirements affecting the use of rural cooperative insurance in the Sistan region. The data collection tool was a questionnaire that was collected by 25 experts and professors who are aware of these issues. Also, using fuzzy decision making method and FUZZYSAW software, we achieved the results that the reduction of crimes with the amount of 1.328 has been achieved as the most important effective requirement in rural cooperative insurance and having a second job with the amount of 0.693 as the least effective requirement on insurance A rural cooperative has been established in the Sistan region. The most important research proposal is to increase awareness and institutionalize insurance culture for these vulnerable segments of society that can create the necessary confidence and security to invest in rural cooperative insurance. we achieved the results that the reduction of crimes with the amount of 1.328 has been achieved as the most important effective requirement in rural cooperative insurance and having a second job with the amount of 0.693 as the least effective requirement on insurance A rural cooperative has been established in the Sistan region. The most important research proposal is to increase awareness and institutionalize insurance culture for these vulnerable segments of society that can create the necessary confidence and security to invest in rural cooperative insurance.
Extended Abstract
Insurance, in its simplest definition, is a method of transferring risk or an act whereby the insurer undertakes to pay an amount called a premium and the insurer accepts a set of risks and pays the loss if the risk occurs (insurance fund, 2007). Insurance enables people who have suffered an injury, loss or accident to compensate for the consequences of this unfortunate event. The damages paid to such persons are covered by the cost of paying for the insurance policy and by paying for it, they contribute to each other's compensation. In order for insurance to be accepted by the villagers, they must first raise their necessary public awareness of insurance, maintain current insurers, and establish a fundamental understanding of the vital role of rural insurance in securing investment in this sector by establishing cooperatives in the rural sector. And created the necessary motivation in the villagers. In the country in 2017, one million and 670 thousand people in the whole country were covered by insurance, of which 37 thousand rural people in Sistan and Baluchestan have benefited from insurance. Insurance is one of the main topics in the economic and social development program of any country; the progress of insurance is associated with the economic and social progress of the country; Improving the economic situation and expanding investment will lead to the development of the insurance industry. Insurance, through its many effects, can lead to the favorable development of the rural sector, both at the micro and macro levels, and also lead to the coordinated development of all sectors. The establishment of rural insurance cooperatives is an important and valuable opportunity for the rural and nomadic community, including the hard-working and hard-working farmers and ranchers who can benefit from government services. In order to boost the economy of the people of these areas and develop activities in various agricultural issues, membership and membership in agricultural cooperatives should be on the agenda so that farmers and ranchers in Sistan region can also benefit from these capacities and Make your activities more profitable. Therefore, considering the importance of insurance for the villagers of the region and the fact that studies have probably not been done in this regard, an attempt has been made to answer these questions that the most important indicators of economic planning requirements affecting the use of rural cooperative insurance in Sistan region What are they and how are they prioritized? Therefore, in this study, the factors and requirements of economic planning affecting the acceptance and use of insurance for rural cooperatives in Sistan region should be investigated.
We have used 25 experts and specialists in insurance affairs and rural cooperatives to collect information, which was done in Sistan region through a questionnaire in 1400. Most of them were men between the ages of 30 and 50, polls suggest. It was modeled using saw Fuzzy software. In this study, the questionnaires had 27 criteria and 5 indicators (economic C1, social C2, managerial C3, general C4, legal C5).
Results and Discussion
Based on the findings of this study, which is obtained from the average opinions of experts and experts in this field, O1 option, which is the same as reducing income fluctuations and improving the income level of the head of the household, is considered to be the most important factor compared to economic criteria. Has been 0.297. O6, the option of creating more confidence and security for investment is defined, this option has a significance coefficient of 0.297, 0.099, 0.231 compared to the indicators of economic, social and managerial requirements, respectively. On the other hand, the option was the operator experience (O8). This option has been of equal importance to the index of economic requirements and general requirements. O10, the option of motivating the spirit of cooperation and local participation is defined. According to the average opinions of experts, this option had the highest relative to the indicators of social requirements and general requirements, whose degree of importance was 0.231. The option of risk-taking and risk management is economics and marketing (O14), which is the most important option compared to the index of economic requirements. O16, the option of providing support facilities to farmers is defined. This option is the least important of the regulatory requirements index. Also, this option has the same degree of importance as the economic, social and general requirements indicators of 0.165. O17, on the other hand, indicates the elimination or reduction of administrative bureaucracy. Based on the average vote of experts and pundits in this profession, this option has been expressed as the most important factor compared to the indicators of management requirements and laws. Also, this option has the lowest coefficient of importance compared to the index of economic requirements. Based on the questionnaire of this research, the option of paid premium (O21) has been stated, which has a significance coefficient of 0.297, 0.165, and 0.231 for the indicators of economic, social and legal requirements, respectively. Option O26 is to receive a loan from a bank. This option has been obtained with respect to the index of social requirements with the lowest importance coefficient of 0.033 and compared to the index of general requirements and managerial requirements with the same degree of importance as 0.099.
By further promoting the insurance culture, we can increase their confidence in this important action. Also, by increasing the necessary awareness and information to rural communities, it is possible to create the necessary confidence and security to invest in the insurance of rural cooperatives. On the other hand, by showing the history of the insured people in these cooperatives, their trust can be gained. O9 also represents the ninth option out of 27 options in this study, which indicates the prevention of migration to cities and has a coefficient of 1.205. This option is included in the Social Requirements Index. Rural cooperative insurance is one of those services, which is very important and through which villagers and farmers can earn an income, and this action to some extent prevents migration to cities and the spread of marginalization. Concessions should be considered for them in this regard so that the people stay in the village, which will both secure the eastern borders of the country through Sistan and prevent marginalization in the cities. The option of reducing income fluctuations and raising the income level of the head of the household is defined in this study as O1. Its coefficient of importance is 0.916, which is included in the index of economic requirements. Basically, insurance is created by governments to solve the two basic.

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