تحلیل وضعیتِ اماکن ورزشی جهت مکان یابی و استقرار نظام سلسله مراتبی صنفی ورزش در شهرها (نمونه موردی: شهر شیراز)

نوع مقاله : مقاله های برگرفته از پایان نامه


گروه تربیت بدنی، واحد شیراز، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، شیراز، ایران


        با رشد و توسعه شهرها، اطلاعات لازم برای مدیریت و برنامه ریزی شهری به شدت افزایش یافته است و پیچیده می شود. شبکه­های وسیع امکانات شهری، توزیع و تراکم جمعیت، کاربری زمین­ها چنان بر پیچیدگی این برنامه ریزی می افزاید که چاره ای جز استفاده از GIS برای گردآوری  این اطلاعات نیست و پردازش آن ها در قالب نظریه­های جدید مدیریت و برنامه ریزی شهری وجود ندارد. این تحقیق از نوع توصیفی- تحلیلی است. تعداد 22 کاربری ورزشی در محدوده شیراز انتخاب و فرایند تحقیق با توجه به مطالعات اولیه از شهریور 1398آغاز شد. اطلاعات با استفاده از دو روش مکانی (GIS) از طریق GPS و غیرمکانی (مراجعه به مرکز ملی آمار) گردآوری و در ArcGIS بررسی گردید. وزن دهی به معیار با مدل AHP درEXPERT CHOSE  انجام شد. نتایج نهایی به دست آمده نشان داد اماکن ورزشی موجود در محدوده، از لحاظ مکانی جهت راه اندازی نظام صنفی ورزش با توجه به معیار (سازگاری و ایمنی) ،5 % در وضعیت نسبتاً نامناسب، 5 % در وضعیت متوسط، 45 % در وضعیت نسبتاً مناسب و 45 % در وضعیت مناسب، با توجه به معیار (دسترسی)، 5 % در وضعیت متوسط، 9 % در وضعیت نسبتاً مناسب و 86 % در وضعیت مناسب و با توجه به معیار (تراکم جمعیت)، 72 % در وضعیت نامناسب،23 % نسبتاً نامناسب، 5 % در وضعیت متوسط قرار دارند، همچنین با توجه به نقشۀ همپوشانی فازی مکان­های مناسب که با استفاده از سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی و به روش  گاما 0.9 انجام شده است. حدود23 % از اراضی برای ساخت نامناسب و 38 % از اراضی برای ساخت متوسط و 39 % از اراضی برای ساخت مناسب هستند. با این حال مکان­یابی مناسب­تر مستلزم ساختار سازمانی و مدیریتی مناسب و سلسله مراتبی از برنامه­ریزی و طراحی فعالیت­ها در راستای توسعه پایدار با رعایت استانداردها است؛ که تمامی شهروندان بتوانند با کمترین زمان و هزینه از امکانات و خدمات ورزشی استفاده نمایند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Analysis of Shiraz Sports Places Status to Establish Sports Guild System

نویسندگان [English]

  • Niloufar Azadi
  • Seyed Mohamad Ali MirHoseini
  • Ahmad Torkfar
Department of Physical Education, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University , Shiraz ,Iran Assistant.
چکیده [English]

This research uses a descriptive-analytical approach by field and library methods. 22 sport places were selected in the Shiraz city area and the research process started according to preliminary studies from September 2019. Information was collected using two methods, including location-based GIS by GPS and non-location-based methods by referring to the National Statistics Center and then analyzed in ArcGIS. Attribution of Weighting Factors was done with the AHP model in EXPERT CHOSE. Our results according to location-based analysis showed that among the most of the existing sport places in the area are approximately in 5% relatively inappropriate, 5% moderate condition, 45% relatively appropriate condition, and 45% appropriate condition with regard to adaptation and safety criteria; and with regard to accessibility criteria are approximately in 5% moderate condition, 9% relatively appropriate condition, 86% appropriate condition; and with regard to population density criteria are approximately in 72% inappropriate condition , 23% relatively inappropriate condition, 5% moderate condition; and also according to fuzzy overlap map of appropriate locations accomplished utilizing Geographic Information System GIS by Gamma method 0.9 for construction applications, about 23% of lands are inappropriate and 38% of lands are moderate and 39% of lands are appropriate. However, a more appropriate locating place requires a proper organizational and management structure, a hierarchy planning and designing activities in line with sustainable standards, such a way that all citizens can use sports facilities and services with spending the least cost and time.



Extended Abstract
   in recent years, the information needed for urban planning and management has become increasingly wide and complex due to the high growth and development of cities. Extensive networks of urban facilities, distribution and density of population, and land use were added to the existing complexity of planning so that there is no other way than to use geographical information system (GIS) for gathering such extensive information and processing them in the new forms of urban management and planning theories. The purpose of this study was to analyze the current situation of sports facilities in Shiraz city to establish a sports guild system. The development of physical education and sport as a crucial part of the national development programs of each country provide basic structures for training healthy human resources. Due to the importance of physical education and sport in healthy life, clause 3 of Article III of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran introduced free physical education for everyone at all levels as one of the president tasks to achieve the goals of the government. Also, various countries around the world use different strategies to develop physical education and sport at different times. During the past years, numerous programs related to physical education and sport have been designed and implemented by various institutions in Iran, but due to disconformity and inadequate consolidation were not efficient. Despite the achieving developments in this area, it seems factors such as ignoring the activation of able-bodied human capital, the lack of participation in the form of organizations and institutions, and the lack of suitable places disturb achieving the development goals in the field of physical education. Furthermore, few numbers of professional associations and communities established in the sport of the country, but they don’t play an important and influential role. One of the most important reasons is the lack of a proper place to set up and install such professional associations, which using unused sports facilities could be a poetical solution for this challenge.
Sports spaces considered as one of the most important components for urban life healthy, where functions such as meetings and competitions, leisure activities, sporting services are performed in these places. In this regard, optimize the design and distribution of sports centers is one of the issues that most planners deal with it. These spaces and places are considered as public service centers, which are among the most basic hardware sections in the field of physical education and sports and also an important component of humanitarian organizations. Undoubtedly, proper management and successful implementation of physical education and sports programs require a set of conditions and facilities. Among these various conditions, provision facilities to easily use and access for sportsman and customers is very important. So, the selection and designation of appropriate sports places and spaces as service centers in the city are among the topics that associated with the health and development process of each community, and such researches can positively contribute to existing literature.
Research Methodology:
 It is descriptive-analytical and its implementation method is field and library studies. 22 sport land uses were selected in Shiraz area and the research process started according to preliminary studies from September 1998. Data were collected by a locating method (GIS) via GPS and non-locating method (National Statistics Center). Spatial information was recorded by a GPS device with the presence of a researcher in the understudy locations. Locating data was recorded by visiting understudy places via a GPS device. Non-locating data was gathered by referring to the National Statistics Center and the use of its documentation. The collected data using GPS device and land use maps of Shiraz city were analyzed through an ArcGIS software. Weighting to the criteria was performed with the AHP model in EXPERT CHOSE.
Research Findings:
The results showed that most of the sports facilities in the area in terms of location to set up sports guild system are 5% in a relatively unsuitable condition, 5% in moderate condition, 45% in relatively suitable condition, and 45% in suitable condition according to compatibility and safety criteria. According to accessibility criterion, 5% are in moderate condition, 9% in relatively suitable condition and 86% in suitable condition, and according to population density criterion, 72% are in an unsuitable condition, 23% in relatively unsuitable, 5% in moderate condition. Furthermore, according to a fuzzy overlay map of suitable locations performed by using gamma 0.9 method, approximately 23% of lands are unsuitable, 38% of lands are moderate, and 39% of lands are suitable for construction.
 The results showed that most of the existing sports of the area in terms of ​​population density are in unsuitable condition and, in terms of safety and accessibility are in suitable condition, which indicated that the distribution pattern of sports spaces is not proportional to the population of the city, as a result of some sports spaces in the area is facing to a very high density of users and some other usually are not used properly because of poor and inappropriate planning. It can be said that the development of sports facilities during the past years was not based on the population density criteria and their construction were performed in accordance with the views and preferences of the managers. Also according to the fuzzy overlay map of suitable locations for construction of sports guild by using geographical information system and gamma 0.9 method showed that by field observation of sports facilities and comparing the obtained data with the conditions of the area, the results are completely in accordance with real conditions. However, more appropriate locating requires both proper organizational and managerial structure and also a hierarchical trend in planning and designing activities in line with sustainable development and standards, so that all citizens can use sports facilities and services with spending minimum cost and time. Since the purpose of investing and spending resources in the construction of sports spaces is to meet the demands of all citizens, Geographical Information System proposed the most suitable place to managers and authorities for establishing a guild system. Such information helps planners to make better decisions based on spatial data, so more precise criteria lead to valuable results.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • location
  • Shiraz city
  • Guild System
  • Sport
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