بررسی وضعیت نواحی شهری چابهار از نظر معیارهای اکولوژیکی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکترا جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری، واحد زاهدان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، پردیس بین المللی چابهار

2 استادیار گروه جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، واحد زاهدان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، زاهدان، ایران

3 استادیار گروه جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی روستایی، واحد زاهدان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، زاهدان، ایران


      در سال­های اخیر در سطح شهر چابهار شاهد اجرای انواع و اقسام پروژه­های مختلف بوده و هستیم که بسیاری از پروژه­ها بدون نیاز سنجی و توان اکولوژی منطقه بوده است که همین امر زمینه ساز بحران­های زیست­محیطی در سطح ساحل و درون شهر گردیده است. هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی وضعیت نواحی شهری چابهار از نظر معیارهای اکولوژیکی می­باشد. تحقیق حاضر از نظر روش، توصیفی - تحلیلی می باشد. جامعه آماری مورد پژوهش در این تحقیق شامل ساکنان شهر چابهار بر اساس سرشماری سال 1395 برابر با (106.739) بوده که تعداد نمونه برابر 383 نفر بر اساس فرمول کوکران و به شیوه تصادفی در دسترس تعیین شدند. ابزار گردآوری داده­ها، پرسشنامه 35 سوالی بوده که روایی آن صوری بوده و به تایید چند تن از کاشناسان و متخصصان امر رسیده و پایایی آن نیز بر اساس آلفای کرونباخ به میزان 83/0 مورد تایید واقع شده است. به منظور تحلیل های فضایی و نمایش فضایی یافته­های تحقیق از محیط نرم افزارهای  ARC GIS ، SPSS وMATLAB و مدل های Mamdani Fuzzy و VIKOR Fuzzy استفاده شده است. نتایج بیانگر آن بود که در نواحی چهارگانه شهر چابهار وضعیت فعلی از دید اکولوژیکی در جایگاه تقریبا متوسط رو به مناسب بوده و تعداد زیادی از اصول مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. این مقدار برای ناحیه 1 برابر است با 71/0 که سطح متوسط بوده، برای ناحیه 2 برابر است با 64/0 که سطح کم توسعه را نشان می دهد، برای ناحیه 3 برابر است با 54/0 که سطح کم توسعه را نشان داده، برای ناحیه 4 برابر است با 79/0 که سطح زیاد را بیان می کند. بر این اساس ناحیه 4 در بهترین وضعیت و ناحیه 3 در بدترین وضعیت قرار دارد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Study of Chabahar Urban Areas status, Based on Ecological Criteria

نویسندگان [English]

  • abdolghafur hout 1
  • mahmudreza anvari 2
  • gholamreza miri 3
1 Ph.D. Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chabahar International Campus.
2 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran.
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran
چکیده [English]

In recent years, across the city of Chabahar, we have witnessed and implemented various types of projects, many of which have been without the need for ecological and ecological capability of the area, which has created environmental crises at the coastal level, within The city has been.The assessment of ecological capability, in the sense of "measuring the potential of the land by specific criteria", has been considered as the most important tool and factor for achieving sustainable development. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the status of Chabahar urban areas in terms of ecological criteria. The present study is a descriptive-analytic one in terms of methodology. The statistical population of the study included residents of Chabahar city (106.739) according to the 2016 census. The data collection tool was a 35-item questionnaire whose face validity was confirmed by several experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha of 0.83.For spatial analysis and spatial analysis of research findings, ARC GIS SPSS and MATLAB software and Mamdani Fuzzy and VIKOR Fuzzy models were used. The results indicated that, in the four districts of Chabahar, the current ecological situation was in a relatively moderate position, with a large number of principles being considered. This value for area 1 is 0.71, which is the average level, for area 2 is 0.64 which indicates a low level of development, for area 3 is 0.54 which indicates a low level of development. The data for area 4 is equal to 0.79, which indicates a high level. Accordingly, Area 4 is in the best condition, and Area 3 is in the worst situation.
Extended Abstract
Assess the ecological capacity and plan for land use, with the aim of regulating the relationship between man, land and human activities to improve the material and spiritual condition of society, over time by introducing the best natural land use, based on quantitative and qualitative capacity. The land and the existing socio-economic needs are a waste of natural resources and the environment, and as a result will prevent the poverty of human societies. Today, due to the growing population of urban dwellers, followed by the rapid and unbridled expansion of cities, there are many issues and problems facing human societies. Therefore, increasing the level of urban settlements in the city of Chabahar, regardless of land capabilities and restrictions and the process of assessing the ecological potential of urban development, which destroys a large area every day. Lands will be. In fact, the process of assessing the ecological potential of urban development estimates the possible use of land by humans for urban development. In recent years, across the city of Chabahar, we have witnessed and implemented various types of projects, many of which have been without the need for ecological and ecological capability of the area, which has created environmental crises at the coastal level, within The city has been.The assessment of ecological capability, in the sense of "measuring the potential of the land by specific criteria", has been considered as the most important tool and factor for achieving sustainable development. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the status of Chabahar urban areas in terms of ecological criteria.
 The present study is a descriptive-analytic one in terms of methodology. The statistical population of the study included residents of Chabahar city (106.739) according to the 2016 census. The data collection tool was a 35-item questionnaire whose face validity was confirmed by several experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha of 0.83.For spatial analysis and spatial analysis of research findings, ARC GIS SPSS and MATLAB software and Mamdani Fuzzy and VIKOR Fuzzy models were used. Chabahar is geographically located 60 degrees and 37 minutes east longitude, and 25 degrees and 17 minutes north latitude. The city is bounded on the north by Iranshahr and Nikshahr counties, on the east by Pakistan, on the south by the Oman Sea, and on the west by Jask County. Chabahar city, whose center is Bandar Chabahar, consists of two parts, central and plain. In addition to the center of Chabahar city, and the center of Dashtyari section (Negor city) of Konarak city, it is of special importance in this region. The presence of 19.9% ​​of the city's population in urban areas and 80.1% in rural areas indicates obvious facts of the superiority of rural population over urban population.
Results and discussion
The results of fuzzy Vikor model showed that among the four districts of Chabahar city, district 4 with Q obtained 0.57, region 1 with Q obtained 0.54, region 2 with Q obtained 0.432, district 3 with Q The obtained 0.356 have the highest and lowest ranks. Also, the fuzzy results of Mamdani showed that in inferring the status of the studied dimensions in determining the priority of the four districts of Chabahar city, for each of the studied areas in Chabahar city, the final infertility value is determined as the output of fuzzy inference system in MATLAB software environment. This value for region 1 is equal to 0.71, which indicates the average level of ecological development according to the studied dimensions. With 0.64, which indicates the low level of ecological development, according to the studied dimensions, the final infertility value b. The output titration of the fuzzy inference system in MATLAB environment software for zone 3 is equal to 0.054, which shows the low level of ecological development, according to the studied dimensions. The MATLAB environment software for area 4 is 0.79, which shows the high level of priority, according to the dimensions studied.Among the districts, after determining the membership function and normalizing the data, the importance spectrum, according to the order of the studied dimensions and their situation, in each of the districts of Chabahar city, is equal to District 4, District 1, respectively. They receive region 2 and region 3, which can be seen as the highest priority in region 4 and the lowest in region 3. Accordingly, the ecological situation in Chabahar city is generally in a moderate to favorable condition, with the 4th district in the best condition and the 3rd in the worst condition. District 3 has created an unfavorable ecological situation due to its location in the center of the city, and the overcrowding and the existence of various hotels and accommodations.
in the four districts of Chabahar, the current ecological situation was in a relatively moderate position, with a large number of principles being considered. This value for area 1 is 0.71, which is the average level, for area 2 is 0.64 which indicates a low level of development, for area 3 is 0.54 which indicates a low level of development. The data for area 4 is equal to 0.79, which indicates a high level. Accordingly, Area 4 is in the best condition, and Area 3 is in the worst situation.
The use of water and soil resources has been neglected in the past few decades, and the environment and sustainable land use have been considered for decades. Meanwhile, the coastal areas of Chabahar city are of special importance. If there is a proper and sustainable plan for the exploitation of the coasts of any country, these areas are among the most important and valuable economic, political and social resources of that country. Lack of attention to land management, and the lack of a principled and complete plan, is a waste of huge ecological resources, especially on the shores of Chabahar. Due to their vast oil and gas resources, these beaches have attracted the attention of senior executives to such an extent that their vital resources, including environmental resources, have become less important.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • development
  • Ecological
  • City
  • Chabahar
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