سازمان دهی فضا و مکان گزینی مراکز آموزشی (مدارس) در سکونتگاه های روستایی (مطالعه موردی: شهرستان شاهین شهر و میمه)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشیار گروه جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه پیام نور، تهران، ایران

2 دانش‌آموخته کارشناسی ارشد سیستم اطلاعات مکانی، دانشگاه خواجه نصیر الدین طوسی، تهران، ایرانGIS


       تعادل در نظام توزیع فضایی خدمات یکی از مهم‌ترین مسائلی است که در سالیان اخیر توجه جغرافی­دانان و برنامه­ریزان را به خود جلب نموده است. در این میان خدمات آموزشی به‌ عنوان یکی از شاخص­های توسعه انسانی بعضاً با رشد جمعیت در سکونت­گاه­های روستایی هماهنگ و منطبق نبوده و از تفرق مکانی- فضایی متناسبی برخوردار نمی باشد. لذا این پژوهش که با هدف مکان­گزینی و ساماندهی بهینه توزیع خدمات آموزشی در 13 روستای واقع در شهرستان شاهین شهر و میمه از توابع استان اصفهان، به روش­ کتابخانه­ای (بهره گیری از منابع، تحقیقات مرتبط و پایگاه­­های اینترنتی) در دو مرحله زیر انجام شده است. در نخستین مرحله معیارهای مؤثر در مکان­یابی مراکز آموزشی با استفاده از روش تحلیل سلسله مراتبی (AHP) توسط کارشناسان بر اساس اهمیت آن­ها وزن­دهی شد و سپس با فازی­ سازی و تلفیق لایه­­ها با استفاده از سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی، پهنه مذکور جهت احداث مراکز آموزشی طبقه­­بندی گردید. در دومین مرحله از پژوهش پس از تعیین شاخص مرکزیت در خدمات آموزشی (ابتدایی، راهنمایی و دبیرستان) به منظور تعیین ضریب هم بستگی بین دو پارامتر جمعیت و خدمات آموزشی، از مدل (رتبه- اندازه) استفاده شد. در ادامه تحقیق با لحاظ عوامل و مقتضیات مکانی- فضایی اقدام به پیش بینی جمعیت و آینده نگری در تخصیص و توزیع خدمات آموزشی به تفکیک نقاط روستایی مستقر در شهرستان شاهین شهر و میمه گردید. سرانجام نیز بر اساس یافته­های پژوهش تأسیس یا توسعه فضاهای آموزشی برای افق 1405 خورشیدی پیشنهاد گردید.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Organizing Space and Site Selection Educational Centers (Schools) in the Rural setlements(Case study: Shahin Shahr and Meymeh Country)

نویسندگان [English]

  • sayyed ramin ghaffari 1
  • negar shabanpour 2
1 Professor of Geography and Rural palnning, Payam Noor University tehran, Iran
2 Graduated in Geagraphical Information System, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

          Equilibrium in the spatial distribution system of services is one of the most important issues that has attracted the attention of geographers and planners in recent years. In the meanwhile, educational services as one of the indicators of human development are not necessarily consistent with population growth in rural settlements and do not have the appropriate spatial-locational differentiation. Therefore, this research has been conducted with the aim of locating and organizing an optimal distribution of educational services in 13 villages located in Shahin-Shahr and Meymah in a library (using resources, related research, and Internet sites) in the following two stages: In the first step, the effective measures in locating the AHP training centers were evaluated by experts on the basis of their importance. Then, by fuzzing and integrating the layers in the GIS, the aforementioned area was classified for the construction of educational centers. In the second stage of research after determining the centrality index in educational services (primary, secondary and high school), to determine the correlation coefficient between two population parameters and educational services, the model (rank rating) was used. Subsequently, spatial and locational factors predicted the population and prospects for allocating and distributing educational services based on rural areas located in the territory. Finally, based on research findings, the establishment or development of educational spaces for the 1405 solar sky was proposed.
Extended abstract:
        Equilibrium in the spatial distribution system of services is one of the most important issues that has attracted the attention of geographers and planners in recent years. In the meanwhile, educational services as one of the indicators of human development are not necessarily consistent with population growth in rural settlements and do not have the appropriate spatial-locational differentiation. Therefore, this research has been conducted with the aim of locating and organizing an optimal distribution of educational services in 13 villages located in Shahinshahr and Meymeh in a library (using resources, related research, and internet sites) in the following two stages: in the first step, the effective measures in locating the AHP training centers were evaluated by experts on the basis of their importance. Then, by fuzzing and integrating the layers in the GIS, the aforementioned area was classified for the construction of educational centers. In the second stage of research after determining the centrality index in educational services (primary, secondary and high school), to determine the correlation coefficient between two population parameters and educational services, the model (rank rating) was used. Subsequently, spatial and locational factors predicted the population and prospects for allocating and distributing educational services based on rural areas located in the territory. Finally, based on research findings, the establishment or development of educational spaces for the 2026 solar sky was proposed. The educational services as one of the basic services needed by rural settlements often not coordinated with the growing student population and does not have suitable distribution. In Iran, as one of the important centers of early civilization, planning and development of the concept and its public has a great history.Analysis and organization design space and rural settlement for the development of rural communities and focusing on rural settlements of urgency is high.
This study seeks to examine the challenges related to the issue and the answers to questions such as;
1) The effect parameters in the process of locating how effective is it?
2) Does the distribution of educational services in all rural areas are proportionate and based on social justice and have taken place?
       This study was conducted in two phases alternate. The fact is that sustainable rural development in general and the distribution of services and facilities several factors are involved in a specific way;
1) Educational services required by its closest neighboring rural settlements with little travel can provide.  
2) The supreme council of urbanism and architecture of the projected population threshold for the allocation and deployment of educational services do not have.
Results and discussion:
         All the layers of information using fuzzy functions to the purpose of this phase, and the weight of each layer was multiplied. Finally by overlaying maps fuzzy using gamma 9.0, 8.0, 7.0 and 9.0 gamma confirmed, because of proximity to ground truth the final map to the 5th floor very good to very poor grading respectively. So we show a map overlay gamma of 7.0 and 8.0 and show a gamma of 9.0 in ArcGIS.We can be seen, much of the best areas in the south and southeast of the city (the area of ​​rural settlements Jahadabad, Moorchekhort, Vandadeh, Kolahroud) and the most difficult zones of west and northwest of the city (the area of ​​rural settlements refuge, Lushab, Hassan Robat) and the north-eastern part of the city (village Maravand) Calculations based on the centrality of: The results show the centrality index Dehloran villages and Maravand regarding the educational services in the central index, the highest and lowest rankings are in the village of Jahadabad. So projected population in 13 rural settlements for the next 10 years, according to the population of 85 years and 95 Statistical center of Iran. population of rural settlements in the horizon of 1405, show Hassan Robat village with a population of 1722 people, in the first place and Choghadeh village with a population of 290 people, the population is at the lowest rank.
Conclusions and Recommendations:
     In view of the combination include:
1) Results and imbalances in the distribution of educational services in territory   planning and research, 2) to evaluate the centrality of educational services and the projected population for the time horizon 1405, 3) calculating the spearman correlation coefficient between the two parameters, population rank and rank educational services rank-size model, 4) weighted 20 criteria using AHP in GIS, The following suggestions are offered.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Organizing Space
  • Site Selection
  • Educational Centers
  • Rural setlements
  • ShahinShahr and Meymeh City
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